Questioning the Motivation and Sanity of Mars and Moon Colonization

Musk pounds the Savior pulpit and declares He alone will Save Mankind from an uninhabitable, ruined Earth *WAC (with approved credit)


12/31/20245 min read

Elon Musk claims the Earth may soon become uninhabitable, but don't worry!

Musk says he will terraform Mars, then ship *Mankind to Mars to live happily ever after.

*WAC (with approved credit - offer void in select countries)

First of all, even if climate change worsens, the Earth will NOT become uninhabitable anytime soon.

Solving the global problem of greenhouse gas emissions and reversing climate change requires GLOBAL COOPERATION, something "American Exceptionalists" and the U.S. military/space industrial complex could give a crap about.

There is no scenario where loading up 6 billion people and moving to Mars is preferrable, at a Musk-estimated shipping cost of $1 BILLION A TON to Mars.

Second, it's worth noting that while Musk preaches about terraforming Mars to save Mankind, Musk doesn't utter a word about "terraforming Earth" to "Save Earth."

Of course, as I've written before, there's no such thing as terraforming any planet.

But don't tell that to Elon Musk, his Musk Bros. and Trekkies who were mesmerized by a 1982 Star Trek movie scene where a "Genesis device" is used to "terraform" an uninhabitable planet in minutes.

If Elon had a "Terraforming Magic Wand" he would rather travel 140 million miles to terraform Mars instead of terraform Earth, because what Musk really dreams of is Planet Elon, like the Elon in the book his daddy read and named Elon after.

Doesn't that make you feel warm and fuzzy knowing that bazillions of American tax dollars are subsidizing well-documented immigrant Elon Musk's Cauc dreams in space???

If Elon Musk is so worried about humankind, why doesn't he use his great wealth to help other people less fortunate than tech billionaires?

Someone asked documented immigrant Elon Musk, Why don't you use your great wealth to feed the children, solve world hunger?

Musk speaks like a 16-yr. old brat bro who just threw a rock through a window:

"Yeah you know I mean obviously $6 billion is not going to end world hunger, mean the reality is at this point the world is producing uh.. far more food than it can really, we don't have a caloric uh..constraint at this where there is hunger it is almost always due like civil war or strife or something's not a thing that's extremely rare for it to be just uh, like...a lack of money.

um, it's like some, the Civil War in some country and one part of the country is literally trying to starve the other part of the country.'s not that nobody's hungry anywhere, it's just, it's just...this is...uh...not, not a simple matter of adding money and solving it."

I question the motivation, intelligence and sanity of RWF (Rich White Folks) who are far more interested in colonizing the Moon and Mars than improving the lives of the unwashed masses here on Earth.

RWF have no problem spending trillions of your tax dollars on America's two big pipe dreams:

1) American Exceptionalism,

2)American space domination and colonization of the Moon and Mars.

These are some of the biggest frauds being perpetrated against the American people by a bi-partisan pre-dominately Cauc government.

"American Exceptionalism" is at the core of Congress increasing defense spending every session and it goes like this:

"America is so great that other countries like Russia, China and Iran hate us, are jealous of our Greatness and want to destroy America in new and exciting ways, so we must increase defense spending to keep up with Russia, China and Iran."

U.S. foreign policy is not a function of We The People, but a terrorist manifesto used like a switchblade in a knife fight with Russia, China and Iran.

There's no money in Peace, but there's no-bid, multi-billion dollar military contracts for U.S. defense contractors in demonizing Russia, China and Iran as a strategic threat to the United States and U.S. "interests" around the world - and now OFF THE WORLD.

The entertainment division of the U.S. military complex: CNN, MSNBC, FOXNEWS, CBS, ABC, NBC are constantly banging the drums of war against Russia, China, Iran and the Palestinian people.

The U.S. should have a foreign policy of neutrality and end the chest-thumpin, bomb-droppin', Muslim-killin' U.S. foreign Ziopolicy of state-sponsored war crimes, mass murder, occupation and proxy wars for Jesus and U.S. defense contractors.

Now the Trump admin will be talking about how great Trump's Space Force is and how the U.S. must increase military spending to maintain military superiority in space.

You can look forward to the Musk administration and the U.S. media increasing Mars and Moon colonization lies each year of the Trump administration.

You can look forward to Musk, Trump, the Pentagon and U.S. media further demonizing Russia and China by warning the American people if America doesn't hurry up and colonize the Moon and Mars, Russia and China will soon colonize the Moon and Mars:

"The Chinese threat in space" - "The Russian satellite threat"

"Space - the new battleground between U.S. SPACE FORCE and Russia and China."

In other words, the CIA will extend their CIA lies and anti-Russia, anti-China demonization propaganda into orbit and the heavens.

Soon the U.S. taxpayer will be paying for OFF-WORLD CIA propaganda and TERRESTRIAL CIA propaganda.

Senator Sanders, What do you mean you're voting against funding Musk and Trump's Mars colonization bill? What are you? Some kind of red Chinese Communist who wants to see China colonize the Moon and Mars before the United States colonizes the Moon and Mars, Senator Sanders?

Billy says if we don't hurry up and put boots on the ground on Mars and the Moon, those ruskies and chinese fuckers will take over Mars and the Moon and we'll have to take the fight to them if we want American freedom and democracy on the Moon and Mars.

Elon Musk is getting a lot of mileage out of casting himself as The Lone Savior who is going to save humankind from a ravaged, uninhabitable Earth by loading up one million people (*with approved credit) on hundreds of Musk's Magic Starships and shipping them to Mars at a cost Elon estimates at $1 billion per ton and The Select Few will live happily ever after on Planet Elon.


Senator Sanders, What do you mean you're voting against funding Musk and Trump's Mars colonization bill? What are you? Some kind of red Chinese Communist who wants to see China colonize the Moon and Mars before the United States colonizes the Moon and Mars, Senator Sanders?

Billy says if we don't hurry up and put boots on the ground on Mars and the Moon, those rooskies and chinese fuckers will take over Mars and the Moon and we'll have to take the fight to them if we want American freedom and democracy on the Moon and Mars.

Elon says it's gonna cost 1,000 TRILLION DOLLARS to colonize Mars by itself, so let's cut taxes for the rich and raise taxes on lazy, overpaid workers or we'll never plant the American flag on Mars before Russia and China does!


Elon Musk says he prefers to die on Mars

Elon Musk says: "You could make a swarm of assassin drones for very little money, by just taking the face ID chip that's used in cellphones and having a small explosive charge and a standard drone and have them just do a grid sweep of the building until they find the person they're looking for, ram into them and explode. You could do that right now - no new technology is needed."